Apply Now

Thank you for showing interest in Roseway Waldorf School.

Our online application form will guide you through all the information required to get your childs journey with Waldorf underway.

The process starts with the PROVISIONAL APPLICATION, which requires the following:

  • Please complete the the online form.
  • Payment of the R850.00 non-refundable Administration Fee – which is deducted from your Placement Fee if accepted

Bank details:

Roseway Waldorf School, Standard Bank, Hillcrest, Acc Number 050892851, Code 040026

  • A copy of your child’s two most recent school reports must accompany the application.
  • Has your child had any of the following assessments? (OT / Educational / Speech / Language / Hearing / Psychological / Other) If so, please attach reports.

Your application will then be submitted for review.
An interview will be arranged now for the applicant and his/her parents.
If the interview is successful, and your financial is successful your child will be asked to come for 3 days visits.

FINANCIAL DOCUMENTATION to be handed in: with the application forms

  • Copy of your child’s Birth Certificate
  • Photo of Applicant (passport size, head and shoulders)
  • Parents’ ID Documents
  • Fee clearance certificate from previous school (where applicable)
  • Utility bill for Proof of Residence
  • Banking details of person responsible for paying fees (on School Fees Form)
  • Proof of income (at least 3 payslips and 3 months bank statements from both parents)
  • Completed and signed forms: Contract, School Fees, Debit Order Authority, Consent Form – These will be sent via email after your online application has been recieved.
  • In the case of divorced parents, copy of divorce decree, restraining orders if applicable and Custody Agreement.

Note: The School routinely requests a CREDIT CHECK to be performed on all new applications.

On FORMAL ACCEPTANCE from the school, the PLACEMENT FEE as well as the first month’s school fees will become payable. Please see the School Fee Schedule.

I understand and want to START THE APPLICATION PROCESS