

Within the Waldorf movement, great emphasis is placed on the celebration of festivals. Our focus is on Easter, the festival of Saint John the Baptist, Michaelmas, and Christmas. Festivals have an ancient role in society, bringing a sense of purpose and belonging to a group. They are an uplifting way to mark time, and acknowledge the natural order of things. Above all, festivals are a time for joy and thanksgiving. We use the festivals at Roseway Waldorf to show our gratitude for every member of our community, for the time we’ve been granted to spend together up to that point, and to anticipate the gift of the time that lies ahead.

Our Waldorf festivals create a wonderful opportunity for building a sense of community within our school – amongst staff, pupils, and parents. It is at these moments, especially, that we recognise the role each person plays, and how the success of each of us depends on the support and success of us all.

We respect and enjoy the cultural diversity brought into our community by the many faiths and life choices represented here at Waldorf. The festivals of other religious groups are acknowledged, and form the basis of lively discussions in the classroom, contributing to our learners’ experience of diversity within a multicultural classroom.